Jane Randall

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Joint Main Organisers of BJC Nottingham 2011.

Also known as Rosie Jane, Jane started attending juggling conventions in 2004 as a juggling wife (to Paul Randall) and mother (to Natalie and Ben Randall)

She helped run registration desk at Bodmin in 2006

She was on the main organising team in Nottingham 2007, running pre-reg, registration, back office and accounts.

Helped run the registration desk in Norwich 2009

Helped run the registration desk in Huddersfield 2010

At the business meeting in 2010, no group came forward to offer to run the convention in 2011, it was suggested at the meeting, that Jane contact Harvey Hadden Stadium in Nottingham to see if they would be willing to host the convention again, with the view to maybe having various people do various components of organising a BJC. Once home Sam Gresham and Jane had a fanciful idea that they would actually like to run the whole thing - so they spoke to some other enthusiastic friends of Nottingham Juggling club - such as Kat Bown, Andy Vass, Fire Safety Dave (aka Andy Harris),Paul Randall, Natalie Randall etc and a plan was constructed to place a bid to run the convention.