Spectral FX

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Spectral FX (Judy Goulston, Mark Bolwell, Ellie Behrens, )(1994-2001) performed a UV juggling and puppet show (with 1.5m puppets) with music composed by John Blanchard at Norwich BJC (1995) as well as performing in the public show at Nottingham BJC (1997).

Romanian girls

"Spectral FX treated us to a truly mind-blowing UV juggling and puppet show. This five person troupe from Watford with jugglers Judy Goulston and Mark Bolwell, designer Ellie Behrens and music by John Blanchard (Ultra Vision) have created a beautiful 25 minute piece of visual theatre. Highly recommended." - Anna Semlyen 1995 [1]

Promotional video http://juggling.tv/500

Clip of their Nottingham Public Show appearance at 0:42 - 0:48 on http://vimeo.com/34225785 according to [2]