Site Safety

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A camp site has a few legal requirements:

Here is an example of a risk assessment. Risk Assessment.

Writing a risk assessment involves identifying actions that you will take to remove or mitigate risks. Having written the risk assessment, you can't just "file and forget"; you have to have a way to make sure that those mitigating actions are put in place.

  • You have an obligation to provide ambient lighting at night.
  • You should remove or minimise fire risks and provide adequate site access for fire vehicles: see Fire Safety
  • You have an obligation to follow the law.
  • If people at the convention are persistently causing dangerous problems then you may want to consider throwing people out.
  • Other areas of site safety include

Ensuring that all access and egress is clear of obstacles and trip hazards and adequately lit.

All non intrinsically safe electrical connections should be fixed above ground level. If there is any chance of water ingress to such a connection (for example, you are worried that water may drip into the marquee) you can also use a drip loop and/or bag up connections using plastic bags and electrical tape.

The HSE (Health & Safety Executive) have produced "The event safety guide" a 190 page handbook which is available to download for free at which give guidelines about safety at events and legal requirements.
There is also information on the HSE website eg: